Get Rid of “Trashy” ThinkingNew!!
If you’re looking for an inspiring weekend movie, I recommend The Peaceful Warrior, starring Nick Nolte and Scott Mechlowicz. This true story follows Dan Millman, a college athlete who overcomes incredible odds to unlock new realms of strength and victory. Guided by a mysterious and wise mentor, Dan learns a life-changing lesson: to succeed, he […]
No More Religious Snobbery!
As I look at today’s church, I can’t help but feel that many have lost sight of what truly matters to Jesus. Too often, religion becomes focused on behavior modification: “I never smoke, drink, or cuss… I read my Bible daily, I fast, I pray…” Many believe this is what it means to be like […]
Leave the Details to God
If you’re like me, you’ve probably pressed God for more details at one time or another. I’ve found myself saying things like, “Lord, I need you to tell me what’s going to happen,” or “Would you please let me in on where we’re going?” And here’s a classic: “If only I knew what you wanted […]