Box of Chocolates
If you asked the average person how God feels about them, you’d likely hear responses like: Many people approach God as though He’s a box of chocolates—as if they never quite know what they’re going to get. But God is not unpredictable. You don’t have to wonder how He feels about you from day to […]
Get Rid of “Trashy” Thinking
If you’re looking for an inspiring weekend movie, I recommend The Peaceful Warrior, starring Nick Nolte and Scott Mechlowicz. This true story follows Dan Millman, a college athlete who overcomes incredible odds to unlock new realms of strength and victory. Guided by a mysterious and wise mentor, Dan learns a life-changing lesson: to succeed, he […]
No More Religious Snobbery!
As I look at today’s church, I can’t help but feel that many have lost sight of what truly matters to Jesus. Too often, religion becomes focused on behavior modification: “I never smoke, drink, or cuss… I read my Bible daily, I fast, I pray…” Many believe this is what it means to be like […]