Do You REALLY Want It?
Have you ever wondered why some people consistently achieve their dreams and aspirations while others seem to wander, never reaching their purpose? The story of the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda in John 5:2-9 gives powerful insight into what it takes to meet your goals and fulfill your purpose.
This story takes place at the Pool of Bethesda where miracles were known to happen. People with all kinds of physical infirmities would wait by the pool, anticipating the moment the waters stirred. The first person to enter the water after it moved would be completely healed of their ailment.
One day, Jesus encountered a man who had been lame for 38 years sitting by this pool. Jesus asked him a seemingly strange question: “Do you want to be made well?”
Our initial reaction might be, “Of course, he wanted to be healed! Who wouldn’t?” However, we should consider Jesus’s intent because he never asks pointless questions. Instead, Jesus was getting to the heart of the man’s issue.
The key is in the man’s response. Instead of saying, “Yes, I want to be well,” he replied, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get there, someone else steps down before me.”
Without addressing the excuse, Jesus simply said, “Rise, take up your bed, and walk.” Immediately, the man was healed, picked up his mat, and walked!

This story shows us why some people make the changes they desire, while others don’t.
The man had become comfortable in his condition, adapting his life to fit his limitations. He had lost hope for anything better and accepted that this was his life. But the answer to his problem—Jesus—was standing right in front of him.
Let me ask you: Have you settled for the way things are because you can’t see how they could change? Maybe you’re in a job you don’t love or one that doesn’t pay enough. Your relationships aren’t great, but you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that “this is just how it is.” Or perhaps you have health issues and have accepted that they’ll always be a part of your life.
If so, then it’s time to change your thinking. It’s time to acknowledge that Jesus is standing right in front of you, asking, “Do you WANT things to be different?” Are you ready to stop settling and say to Jesus, “YES, I do want it!”
Remember, with God, all things are possible. Start agreeing with what He wants for your life, and reach the life God has for you. Then watch your circumstances change.
And always remember, God loves you, and we love you too.