How to Receive the HappyJoyLife

If you’re like me, you may have grown up hearing about the “HappyJoyLife” the Bible promises—peace, health, prosperity, success, joy, and more. But maybe you’ve also wondered, “Why don’t I see these blessings in my life?” Have you ever felt like true success, blessings, and happiness are just out of reach?
It can be hard to face a question like this. Often, we’re taught that if we’re not experiencing blessings, something must be wrong with us – that perhaps we’re not doing enough for God to bless us.
I see things differently. We have the incredible privilege of partnering with a good God who loves us and has amazing things in store for us. All we need to do is believe that He is good, that He wants us to enjoy the HappyJoyLife, and that He has already done everything necessary for us to live this abundant life. Our job is to learn how to receive it.
The key to receiving the HappyJoyLife lies in the most powerful resource God has given us: our mindset. Our mindset can be the deciding factor between experiencing blessings or facing disappointment. The good news is that God shows us in His Word how to access the blessings He has already promised!
Mindset is the combination of our thoughts and beliefs that shape how we experience life. The Bible describes this as “renewing our minds.”
As I reflected on this, God gave me a vision of a tree. The roots of the tree represent our core beliefs—who we are at our essence. From these beliefs grow our thoughts—the things we say to ourselves about ourselves and others. These thoughts influence our actions, and ultimately, our actions determine the results we see in life.

So often, we hope and pray for our circumstances to change. We long for the “fruit” of life’s blessings while God is still working on our root system. In time, a strong worldview rooted in God will manifest itself as wise thinking and ultimately good fruit. God has already given us every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). Every good thing starts as a spiritual blessing and has the power to manifest into a physical one. The issue is learning to receive these blessings.
The real reason we haven't seen the fruit is that we haven't learned how to cultivate the mindset that allows us to receive the blessings God already has for us.