Leave the Details to God
If you’re like me, you’ve probably pressed God for more details at one time or another.
I’ve found myself saying things like, “Lord, I need you to tell me what’s going to happen,” or “Would you please let me in on where we’re going?” And here’s a classic: “If only I knew what you wanted me to do, I’d gladly do it—but I have no idea!”
After years of asking those kinds of questions, I finally realized why God doesn’t give me too much information in advance. If He did, I’d likely grab the ball, run with it, get way ahead of Him, and make a mess of things!
Instead, I’ve learned that God provides just enough guidance to help me take the next step toward my destiny.
The Bible gives a great example of this concept in the Book of Acts. After Jesus rose from the dead through God’s power, He gathered His disciples before ascending to Heaven. His instructions were simple: stay in Jerusalem and wait to receive the Holy Spirit.
It sounds straightforward enough, doesn’t it? But the disciples wanted more. They asked, “Is this when you’re going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” They were looking for detailed plans and a clear timeline.
Jesus essentially told them, “Don’t worry about all that. Just follow my instructions—go and wait for the Holy Spirit.”
The disciples likely had their own ideas about how Jesus should restore God’s kingdom. “What does hanging out in Jerusalem and waiting for the Holy Spirit have to do with anything?” they might have thought. Yet, they followed His instructions with open minds. In doing so, they experienced something far greater than they had ever expected. Their destiny and purpose were revealed in ways they couldn’t have imagined.

When we’re searching for our purpose or direction in life, it’s easy to feel stuck. We might hesitate to make decisions or take action until we feel like we have the whole picture. But this kind of thinking can leave us paralyzed, waiting indefinitely for the clarity we think we need before moving forward. Days, months, or even years can slip by, lost to frustration and dissatisfaction.
Be bold and brave enough to take the next step toward your goal or dream. Don’t worry about what comes 20 steps down the road. Don’t stress over whether the outcome will perfectly match your expectations. Don’t be afraid of taking a wrong turn.
Instead, remember that even if you don’t get everything just right, God is big enough to find you and guide you back in the right direction.
You’ve probably heard the saying, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Sometimes, finding your true purpose works the same way—one step, one trial, one experiment at a time. So, what are you waiting for? Take the next step that’s right in front of you and move forward with confidence.