How to Receive the HappyJoyLife!

If you’re like me, you may have grown up in church, hearing about the “HappyJoyLife” that the Bible promises - peace, health, prosperity, success, joy - the list goes on…but you may also have wondered “Why don’t I SEE those things happening in MY life???”  Have you ever wondered why true success, blessings and happiness can sometimes feel so far out of reach?

I know, it’s hard to even admit if you struggle with a question like this.  We have been taught that if we aren’t experiencing blessings and goodness in our lives, it’s because there’s something wrong with us - that perhaps we are not doing enough to cause God to give us these good things.

I beg to differ.  We have been given the great privilege to be partners with a Good God, who loves us and has good things stored up for us.  All we have to do is to believe that He IS good, that we WANTS us to enjoy the HappyJoyLife, and that He has already done everything necessary for us to live this amazing life.  All we have to do is learn how to receive it from Him.

To receive the HappyJoyLife, the most powerful resource He has given us is the one right between our ears - our mindset.  Our mindset has the power to be the deciding factor as to whether we will enjoy blessings in our lives, or continue to experience one disappointment after another.  The good news is, He has shown us in His Word how to get the blessings, instead of the disappointments!

Mindset is defined as:  “the culmination of our thoughts and beliefs that determine how we go through life.”  The Bible uses another phrase to describe mindset:  It’s called “renewing our minds”.

As I contemplated on this idea of mindset, God gave me a vision of a tree.  The roots of the tree represent our beliefs - the essence of who we are as a person.  From those beliefs come our thoughts - the things we say to ourselves about ourselves and others.  Whatever thoughts we establish in our mind then directly influence our actions, which in turn determine what kind of results we will see.

So often, we hope - we pray - that our circumstances will change.  We so desperately want to enjoy the “fruit” in life.  The truth is, God has already given us every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).  Every good thing God has promised starts as a spiritual blessing, which then has the power to manifest into a physical blessing.  The problem is that we haven’t been taught properly how to receive those blessings. 

The reason we don’t see this “fruit” is NOT because we aren’t working hard enough.  It’s NOT because we are not obedient enough.  It’s NOT because we don’t believe enough, or haven’t given enough.  It’s NOT because God is trying to “teach us a lesson”.  These are all sorry excuses that lead to the idea that God is good to us only when WE are good.  God is Love.  He is Perfect Love.  Agape Love.  All the time.

The reason we haven’t seen the fruit is because we haven’t been taught how to create the proper mindset that will allow us to receive these blessings.

Today, I just wanted to simply open up the conversation.  In following blogs, I want to talk with you about the different aspects of this Mindset Tree, in order to learn the process of renewing our minds.  I can’t tell you how excited I am about this!

So, email me at leave a comment …let me know what you think.  Stay tuned with me, and let’s take this journey together! 🙂